Rating: «««««
Submitted: 18/07/2003
Reviewer: Richard Flores

There is a simplistic beauty that originates with a singer and his guitar. In addition to this pair, other instruments can be used as fill-ins to add color to a distant but profound black and white portrait. It’s at this moment, when the black and white becomes color, that the true life of the music begins. Music of this nature has a deeper meaning that a listener cannot begin to understand unless the knowledge of the composer’s emotions is known. However, this leaves an open door to a place full of whatever emotion we care to focus on as the purpose of that song. Music is most definitely power-driven. Emotions are the fuel that empower this music and truly represent what is really going on.

The whole purpose of this introduction is to paint a picture of what Damien Rice has composed. O, in the most primitive sense, is an example of music as it is described above. To sit back and listen to Rice sing about passion, love and emotion forces you to relate to him, not necessarily in his specific situation but to utilize what he’s saying in your own life. In “the blower’s daughter,” Rice sings, “And so it is/ just like you said it should be/ we’ll both forget the breeze/ those were the times.” Reminiscing about his childhood with beautiful instrumentation is something most people can understand and most definitely appreciate.

His almost melodic voice is easy to take in its natural, unaltered state. He sounds like an ordinary person very far from the superstar persona. This is why his music is accepted the way it is. You almost forget about the notes he’s so close to reaching because it sounds in key to the auto-correcting perfection that inhibits our mental understanding but triggers our sensual emotions. This inhibition could be caused by the mere fact that his lyrics are as random as the stars in the sky. It seems the lyrics for O were created with a very improvisational approach. When these lyrics come together with Rice’s musicianship and emotions, a very unique sound is born. This sound is a conglomeration of ideas and soothing melodic tunes, all connected with emotions that everyone can grasp.

As of yet, Damien Rice may not be a household name or even a name that everyone knows. His low-key profile and innocent/reserved sound will create a small wave of publicity. However, after a few listens and a true grasp of what is behind it, O will prove a good listen, one you can definitely take home to mom. O will engulf and make you question. But, the answers are not too far away: they can be found in you.
